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/tsæ.dɜ/ (geo., res.; masc.)
(n.) City; a large urban area.
/næ.bø.ɣɜx/ (geo. res.; neu.)
(n.) Neighborhood; a small urban area often part of or inside a larger urban area.
/wi.xɜ/ (geo., res.; masc.)
(n.) House; a residential building.
/pwɑt.sæ/ (geo.; fem.)
(n.) Place; an area.
/bɜ.ɣæ/ (geo., nat.; fem.)
(n.) Mountain; a large steep hill.
/tsɜ.ɣo.mɜ/ (geo., liq., nat.; masc.)
(n.) Stream; a small, narrow river.
/tiŋ/ (obj.; neu.)
(n.) Thing; an object.
/o.xæ.nɜ/ (geo., liq., nat.; masc.)
(n.) Ocean; a very large body of water.
/si/ (geo., liq., nat.; neu.)
(n.) Sea; a large body of water.
/pwo.xɜ.tæ/ (ide.; fem.)
(n.) Shape; a geometric figure.
/æ.vɜn/ (geo., res.; neu.)
(n.) Port, harbor, haven; a city on the coast often used for docking shops.
/xı.fæ/ (veh., liq.; fem.)
(n.) Ship; a seaborne vessel.
/mo.tɜ/ (veh.; masc.)
(n.) Motor; an engine.
/ɑw.tɜ/ (veh.; fem.)
(n.) Car, automobile; a four-wheeled roadborne vessel.
/tfi.xi.kus/ (veh.; neu.)
(n.) Bicycle; a two-wheeled roadborne vessel.
/ɣɜ.gæ/ (liq., phn.; fem.)
(n.) Rain; condensation falling in droplets from the sky.
/xni/ (phn.; neu.)
(n.) Snow; frozen condensation falling from the sky.
/bwi/ (phn.; neu.)
(n.) Storm; a violent environmental disturbance.
/væ.xæ/ (liq., obj.; fem.)
Water. You know what water is.
/mıwx/ (liq., obj.; neu.)
(n.) Milk.
/bi.ɣæ/ (liq., obj.; fem.)
(n.) Beer; fermented wheat drank predominantly in social settings.
/vju.ɣɜ/ (liq., obj.; masc.)